Our Constitution

This is a fundamental set of rules and principles that establishes the basic framework of our coorporation,

Our Constitution outlines the powers and duties of our various branches and defines the relationship between our coorporation and its members. It typically sets out the rights and freedoms of individuals and limits the authority of the coorporation to protect those rights. Constitutions are often written documents that are considered the highest law of the land and provide the foundation for any organization's legal system.

Constitutions can vary in their form and content, depending on the country and historical context in which they were created. Some constitutions are detailed and specific, while others are more general in nature. Constitutions often include a preamble that sets out the purpose and goals of the document, as well as specific articles or sections that address key topics such as the structure and powers of the coorporation.


IDUL represents over 5000 workers in Lesotho which include but not limited to the Manufacturing and Textile sector, Mining sector, Hospitality, Construction and Security sectors.

IDUL is an affiliate to the Lesotho Labour Council (LLC) federation, Lesotho Council of Non-governmental Organizations (LCN) as well as the IndustriALL Global Union an international organization which promotes and supports union building projects.

IDUL also is a partner to Solidarity Centre in the fight against Gender Based Violence and Harassment in the textile sector.

IDUL is an affiliate to the Lesotho Labour Council (LLC) federation, Lesotho Council of Non-governmental Organizations (LCN) as well as the IndustriALL Global Union an international organization which promotes and supports union building projects.