What We Do

IDUL challenges companies and negotiates with them on behalf of the people and does things based on democracy and social justice. Also Promotes and advocates for the rights of workers in Lesotho


To regulate relations between members and their employers.


To encourage the settlement of disputes by conciliatory methods.


To promote the interests of members and secure social justice for all of them.


Fight for trade union rights, organize recruit and mobilize workers.


Create safe workplaces by ensuring compliance and awareness of Occupational Health and Safety laws and policies.


Fights for improvement of Labour laws and policies governing all the organized sectors in the country.

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The aims and objectives of the Union as mentiones in our Constitution shall be:

Section 4.2

To regulate relations between members and their employers and to protect and further the interests of members in relation to their employers

Section 4.3

To secure decent standards of living social security and fair conditions of work for members and all workers.

Section 4.6

To encourage the settlement of disputes by conciliatory methods.

Section 4.7

To promote support or oppose, as may be deemed expedient, any legislation, proposed legislative or other measures affecting their interests of members.

Section 4.18

To build donations for such charitable, education, public or their purposes as the Union may decide from time to time.

Section 4.14

To co-operate with organizations of workers and / or employer on any Bargaining council or any structure which may be established to deal with matters which affects members.